Saturday, 30 May 2015

Minggu 14

Sekelip matanya, sesi pembelajaran semester 2 telah sampai ke hujung. Sebelum minggu 14, minggu 12 dan minggu 13 merupakan tempoh yang sangat sibuk bagi mahasiswa dan mahasiswi. Banyak presentation dan assignment diarahkan supaya hantar pada minggu 13. Dalam tempoh minggu 13 ini, setiap hari benda yang saya hadapi banyak ialah Microsoft Word dan Powerpoint. Akibatkan kena menyiapkan tugasan dalam tempoh masa yang ditetapkan, saya terpaksa mengorbankan masa tidur saya supaya dapat menyempurnakan kerja saya.


Akhirnya, sesi pembelajaran bagi Aplikasi Komputer telah ditamatkan. Masa lalu dengan cepat. Sekelip mata sudah sampai ke minggu-13 bagi semester 2 ini. 

Saya berasa amat gembira dan bersyukur dapat belajar di bawah bimbingan Sir Azzwan. Pada mula-mulanya, saya seorang yang hanya mempunyai sedikit pengetahuan komputer. Selepas kelas Aplikasi komputer ini, saya memang belajar banyak perkara yang baru. Saya mengetahui bagaimana mengguna Excel dengan efisyen, pandai membuat powerpoint serta Access yang tidak pernah menceburi juga telah dapat belajar dengan baik.

Saya juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada rakan-rakan yang banyak membantu saya dalam sepanjang masa pembelajaran. Apabila saya menghadapi masalah semasa pembelajaran, mereka sudi membantu dan menolong saya.

Memang bersyukur dapat belajar subjek Aplikasi Komputer dalam kelas ini. Terima kasih and see you all again.

Monday, 25 May 2015


In this modern era, it is common that everyone is owning a smartphone. U may see people in the street is scrolling his or her smartphone. I am sure that Samsung is not a strange brand to most of us. There are millions of Samsung users around the world as well as I am also a Samsung user.

Recently,Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd, a market leader and award-winning innovator in consumer electronics, semiconductors and telecommunications, recently announced that it won 80 prestigious awards at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2015 Innovation Awards. CES, the world’s largest consumer technology tradeshow held by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) every year, has honored Samsung with prestigious awards, including 76 awards last year. Among the CES awards for 2015, Samsung was recognized with one Best of Innovation award, 31 Best of Home Entertainment honors and several others for connected home technologies. Products entered in the CES Innovation program are judged by a preeminent panel of independent industrial designers, engineers, and members of the media to honor outstanding design and engineering in cutting-edge consumer electronics products across 28 categories.

Thank you Samsung for creating such a useful gadget to the world!!


Pembentangan bagi Aplikasi Komputer telah berlangsung pada Jumaat yang lepas. Sebelum memulakan pembentangan, kami telah membuat banyak persediaan supaya dapat menyempurnakan pembentangan tersebut. 

Tema yang kami bentangkan adalah sampah. Mula-mulanya, kami tiada sebarang idea untuk merakamkan video yang bertema sampah ini. Namun begitu, selepas session brain storming dengan ahli kumpulan saya, kami pun mendapatkan idea yang bernas untuk perakaman tersebut. 

Monday, 18 May 2015


Tema itu merupakan sesuatu perkataan yang paling biasa dijumpai oleh pelajar sejak peringkat sekolah rendah lagi. Kita telah mempelajari untuk menulis sebuah karangan yang baik dengan mengikuti tema yang diberikan. Jika sesebuah karangan itu adalah dilarikan oleh skop tema yang ditetapkan, maka karangan tersebut tidak dapat dikirakan sebuah karangan yang baik. Tema juga merupakan hal yang paling utama dilihat oleh para pembaca dalam sebuah tulisan. Jika temanya menarik, maka akan memberikan nilai yang lebih kepada tulisan tersebut.

Felxible working

Originally a stigma where employees are expected to “show face” at the workplace, flexible working has gained increased acceptance across Asia over the years. Many companies today are asking themselves the same question. Is our business ready to handle the expectations and technical requirements of a modern workforce that demands ever greater flexibility in where and how it works? Today, to attract and retain the best talent, firms know they must be attract and retain the best talent, firms know they must be seen to offer competitive working arrangements that respect employees’ personel time, and also their working habits especially the freedom to choose their own technology. 

Friday, 8 May 2015


Positive thinking is important to develop a healthy self-esteem. If we have a positive outlook, we will probably like and accept ourselves the way we are. A positive and optimistic attitude can help people to develop strong self-esteem. This healthy attitude allows us to explore other aspects of growing up, such as developing good friendships, growing more independent of our parents, and challenging ourselves physically and mentally.

Besides that, a positive attitude and a healthy lifestyle like exercising and eating right is a great combination for building good self-esteem. Family life can sometimes influence a person’s self –esteem. Some parents spend more time criticizing their children and the way they look than praising them. This criticism may reduce a person’s ability to develop good self-esteem.


Melancong merupakan sesuatu perkara yang amat menyeronokkan dan dapat membantu kita merehatkan minda daripada tekanan hidupan. Menerusi pengalaman daripada melancong, kita juga dapat membuka minda dan fikiran kita tidak akan disempitkan.

Saya amat menyukai persekitaran di Korea Selatan. Sejak masa sekolah menengah, saya sudah bercita-cita untuk melancong ke Korea Selatan. Korea Selatan merupakan sebuah negara yang sangat maju dan pembangunannya semakin pesat sejak kebelakangan ini. Culture Korea Selatan juga sangat dikagumi oleh saya. Rakyat di Korea Selatan adalah sangat cinta dan taat kepada negara mereka. Mereka hanya membeli dan mengguna produk yang dikelurkan oleh negara mereka seperti telefon bimbit yang berjenama Samsung serta kereta Hyundai.
Oleh itu, saya berharap pada masa yang akan datang, saya dapat merealisasikan impian saya iaitu melancong ke Korea Selatan.

Friday, 1 May 2015


Music is the most wonderful thing in the world. Music is an art form whose medium is sound. Its common elements are pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm (and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture. 

I love music. Music is an important part of my way of life.I derived a lot of pleasure when I listen to music. Music really bring me a lot of emotion such as happiness, sadness and it become the source of supporting me when I face difficulties in my life.

In this modern era, people more prone to listen to pop songs like k-pop, American pop and Britain-pop. I am different from the mainstream. I like to listen to classical song as it brings me a lot of spirit. It was so much different to the mainstream music. Classical music is more meaningful compare to the pop song.


When it comes to the word of “ten”, there is a lot of things can be related to it. For me, when comes to the word of “Ten” the first things it pock out of my mind is year. When I was ten years old , I was a little girl who was studying standard four in primary school. Everthing is well prepared by my mum. I no need to worry the next meal, a warm shuttle is provided by my family, I even don’t have to any household chore  in my house. The life during ten years old was lively.

Sunday, 26 April 2015


In this fast pace life, our life is change rapidly in the aspect of technology, economic and health care. The habit of procrastination and laziness will only cause you being eliminated by this cruel world.

For example, a marketing executive should always update their information around the world to make sure that they are always on the trend of the world. Person who are doing things slow and didn’t alert about the newest things happen around him will only bring harm to himself and his company. If the marketing executive do their marketing plan slowly, it may cause he lost to his competitors and loss the chance of getting a segment of market. This will bring a very serious consequence to his company and his company may even ended up by bankrupting.

Therefore, we should dump the habit of procrastination and always follow up the things we should do in order to success in our life. Time is not waiting for us. Please make full use of your time.


In this modern era, there is an obvious sign show that the advanced of technology is happened in this world. However, the rapidly changes of world has cause the living cost has been increase day by day.

Health cover is an essential part of your financial defences. It assures you that your medical costs will be paid if you meet with an accident or illness. According to The World Health Organisation, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, along with lung, breast, kidney and colorectal cancer, are on rise in Malaysia. Their treatment is often expensive. The rate of inflation in medical care cost stands at around 15% a year and without a health plan, a stint in hospital could severely deplete your savings.
By buying a medical plan it can help us to solve the problem of budget constraint when we come to the aspect of medical cost.

Approach to study

Oh…Mei is coming…It means that a lot of assignment and exams is approaching to us again~~~In university, it is a totally different life in secondary school. In this fast pace university life, in order to adapt well in this environment and score well in the examination, it needs some approach to study effectively and successfully.
Time management and a proactive approach are now essential. A students should expect to spend five hours a day in lectures and then allocate two to three hours for study on his own. A student must transform his existing approach to learning and think at a higher level. He will be required to thoroughly review and assimilate the information presented in lectures,seminars, texts and lab work.

In conclusion, a study plan is a critical tool for success as it can help a student discipline his time and be serious about his studies. So let us make use of the study plan!!!!


Fantasi adalah hal yang berhubungan dengan khayalan atau dengan sesuatu yang tidak benar-benar ada dan hanya ada dalam benak atau pemikiran sahaja. Kata lain untuk fantasi adalah imajinasi.

Fantasi ini sememangnya sesuatu perkara yang baik terutamanya kepada penulis atau pereka. Mereka memerlukan fantasi untuk mencipta sesuatu produk yang baru dan lain daripada pasaran. Dengan adanya imajinasi, Walt Disney telah mencipta banyak animasi tayangan seperti Mickey Mouse,Cinderella, Winnie The Pooh dan lain-lain lagi. Karton tayangan ini telah disambut meriah dan disukai oleh manusia sejagat.

Hal ini telah membawa banyak keuntungan ke syarikat Waltz Disney dengan mendapat untung daripada paten-paten dan hak cipta.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015


Selepas menamatkan pelajaran di peringkat sekolah menengah, ramai antara pelajar telah melanjutkan pelajarannya ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi iaitu peringkat universiti. Pelajar yang keluarganya mempunyai berkemampuan telah dihantar ke universiti atau kolej swasta. Malah yang lain telah melanjutkan pelajarannya ke institut politeknik dan universiti awam.

Adakah sijil daripada universiti adalah begitu berharga dan penting kepada seseorang? Bagi saya, sijil universiti memang menyediakan satu platform bagi kita mendapatkan pekerjaan yang lebih baik, namun personaliti dan soft skill juga sangat penting kepada kita. Universitilah merupakan tempat yang bukan sahaja mendidik graduan yang cemerlang dari segi akademik malah dalam segi sahsiah dan juga melatih soft skill mahasiswa dan mahasiswi. Jadi, dalam masa belajar di peringkat universiti janganlah hanya menumpukan dalam pelajaran sahaja namun dalam bidang kokurikulum juga.


Apakah cita-cita anda semasa usia kecil lagi? Nak jadi juruterbang? Jadi doktor atau menjadi Perdana Menteri? Setiap orang mempunyai impian pada masa depannya masing-masing. Namun kelak menjadi dewasa nanti, beberapa orang telah merealisasikan impiannya? Berapa orang yang masih mengekalkan cita-citanya semasa usia muda itu? Bagi kes saya, saya tidak dapat mencapai dan merealisasikan cita-cita saya pada masa kecil itu.

Saya pernah kagumkan pekerjaan sebagai seorang pendidik. Saya ingin menjadi seorang cikgu pada masa kecil. Namun realitinya menyebabkan saya tersedar pekerjaan pendidik bukan sesuatu yang mudah serta pekerjaan ini adalah tidak sesuai dengan personaliti saya. Realiti ini selalunya adalah bertentangan dengan impian yang kita alu-alukan. Tetapi, kalau anda berdedikasi dalam menjayakan sesuatu, teruskan usaha anda, jangan dikalahkan oleh realiti di dunia ini. 

Friday, 3 April 2015


Masa merupakan barang yang sangat terharga dalam dunia. Tak kira kamu mempunyai berapa banyak harta kekayaan, masa yang telah terlepas tidak dapat dibeli semula. Sekelip matanya, saya telah melalui 21 tahun dalam dunia ini. Sejak kelahiran di dunia ini, saya telah dididik dengan baik serta dijaga dengan rapi oleh ibu bapa saya. Masa telah berlalu dengan cepat, sekarang saya telah berumur 21 tahun dan telah melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat universiti. Dalam masa saya 21 tahun ini, saya telah mengalami pertumbuhan dari segi mental dengan sangat cepat berbanding dengan masa yang lalunya. Tanpa penjagaan ibu bapa dalam masa menuntut pelajaran di UKM, saya terpaksa belajar untuk berdikari dan bagaimana bergaul dengan orang lain. Di luar rumah, semua perkara adalah diselesaikan oleh sendiri. Bantuan dari orang lain adalah sangat susah dapat. Masa yang melalui dengan cepat ini telah mendidik saya dari seorang budak naif menjadi seorang pemuda yang berdikari. Hargailah masa yang berharga itu!!!


 Apa itu peraturan?? Secara umumnya,peraturan adalah sesuatu yang disepakati dan mengikat sekelompok orang atau lembaga dalam rangka mencapai suatu tujuan dalam hidup bersama. Peraturan telah diwujudkan di mana-mana tingkat seperti dari peringkat isi rumah, peringkat sekolah serta dalam peringkat Negara. Peraturan diwujudkan untuk mengawal tingkah laku manusia serta mengekalkan kesejahteraan dalam manusia sejagat. Tanpa penguatkuasaan peraturan, dunia pasti menjadi huru-hara dan konflik akan berlaku dalam kalangan manusia. Selain daripada ketiga-tiga peringkat yang disebutkan tadi, peraturan yang merentasi sempadan Negara turut diwujudkan. Hal ini demikian adalah kerana untuk mengawal kesejahteraan dan menggelakkan sebarang pertelingkahan. Isu-isu perebutan pemilikan tanah atau pulau telah menjadikan persoalan yang hangat kebelakangan ini. Menurut peraturan sempadan antarabangsa, perebutan pemilikan tanah dan pulau ini dapat diselesaikan dengan baik.

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

Students motivation centres around students’ desire to participate in the learning process. But is also concerns the reasons or goals that underlie their involvement or non-involvement in academic activities. Although students may be equally motivated to perform a task,the sources of their motivation may differ. A student who is intrinsically motivated undertakes an activity for its own sake,for the enjoyment accomplishment it evokes. Student with an intrinsic orientation also tend to prefer tasks that are moderately challenging. On the other hand, an extrinsically motivated student performs “in order to obtain some reward or avoid some punishment external to the activity itself”. In conclusion, we should always motivate ourselves intrinsically. It will make us more enjoy and motivated in the progress of learning and accomplishing a task.


Everyone has his or her own responsibility. Father as a head of a family has to take the full responsibility to take care all of his family members’ needs such as food, cloth and shuttle. On the other hand, mother who was born her child also has her own responsility. As a mother, she has to take care of her child since the child was born. While,CEO (Chief Executive Officer) is a boss to everyone in a company and is responsible to everything. They determine the company’s strategy,hire and build the senior team. As a student, we too have our own responsibility. The most common responsibility for a student is to make sure the task given by tutor is always completed. Habit of procrastination should not implement in people.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

group study

As many teachers said, studying in a group of three or four students is an effective way of studying. Many students who study in a group have succeeded in their examinations.

It would be easier to understand things when we study in a group. During group study, we can have discussion and idea sharing among each members. This exchange process enables us to understand topics better.

There is also greater competition when we study in a group. No one in a group wants to fare badly or to be thought of as not having understood the discussions. To avoid this, every member of the group strives to achieve better results.

Study in a group will bring a lot of benefits, but we have to ensure there is no chatting and discussing something that is not related to the study topic. Indeed, group study will help us to a lot in the succession of the examination.


What excuse mean? For me, giving excuse is a kind of irresponsible behavior. When people is procrastinate his/her work, they will usually make whatever excuses even the excuse is incredible and unbelievable. For them, excuse is the best protector to avoid from the punishment for not completing their job.

In fact, excuse usually is giving when someone was done something wrong or not doing things right. They don’t want to admit their false and just simply give an excuse. People who always making excuse is the one who don’t want to take full responsibility of their job. They are not putting effort and full attention in the way of completing their work and by giving excuse they think they will get free from any punishment. This kind of behaviour was so irresponsible and untrustworthy. In my view, once you have taken a job, you should be responsible and try your all best to complete your task without making any useless excuse. Those silly and untrustworthy excuse will just make people look down at you!!

Saturday, 14 March 2015

krisis air!!!!

Air merupakan sesuatu yang paling penting kepada manusia untuk meneruskan hidup dalam dunia. Tanpa bekalan air, rutin harian manusia akan dijejaskan.

Krisis air telah berlaku di kolej saya sejak minggu yang lepas. Hidup tanpa bekalan air adalah sangat susah dan pahit. Pakain yang kotor semakin banyak sehingga boleh menjadi sebuah bukit. Pinggan dan mangkuk tidak boleh dicuci.Tambahan pula, nak pergi ke tandas juga tidak "convenient"....

Rutin harian saya tidak dijalankan secara lancar dan telah banyak dijejaskan. Saya terpaksa lari antara blok dengan pejabat pentadbiran setiap hari untuk mendapatkan air.... Hidup sepanjang ini telah banyak menyusahkan dan meletihkan saya.

Bekalan air telah mula memulih sejak semalam tetapi malangnya bekalan tersebut mempunyai "time slot". Semua penghuni telah berada dalam keadaan "standby".  Apabila bunyi air terdengar, kami pun  memulakan mission tadahan air kami. Antaranya yang mencuci pakaiannya yang kotor, adanya yang mencuci pinggan cawannya,dan ada yang cepat-cepat mengambil tualanya untuk mandi...

Berharap agar bekalan air dapat dipulihkan secepat mungkin supaya rutin harian penghuni dapat dijalankan dengan sempurna. Pengalaman krisis air ini telah membangkitkan kesedaran menghargai air dalam kalangan penghuni kolej. Jadi hargailah setiap titisan air!!!!

ulang tahun

Ulang tahun merujuk kepada hari kelahiran seseorang. Hari ini biasanya merupkan hari terbesar kepada kebanyakan orang dalam setahun dan harus diriakan secara meriahnya.Kebanyakan orang suka menyambut hari ulang tahunnya kerana banyak hadiah dan  "blessing" dapat diterima daripada ibu bapa,saudara-saudari serta rakan-rakan.

Namun,bagi saya konteks hari ulang tahun sememangnya bukan sahaja merupakan hari terbesar kepada saya namun merupakan hari kesukaran ibu.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Love from dad~~

I was born in an ordinary family. I have 4 siblings and I was the eldest among them..

My dad is a mechanic worker and my mum is a housewife. There is a few communication among my dad and I. He always busy in his working and me is busying in my studies. It makes us even didn't meet up for several days. Despite this, my dad is a very gentle and quiet man. Unfortunately, I was inherited his personalities. There is a barrier of communication between of us and make our relationship getting worse. My younger brother is the only one who can communicate with him. I even have hated my dad because of his different treatment between my brother and I.

After entering UKM, it was a bitter time for me to adapt the strange environment. But my dad was sent several warm messages to me. Those messages make me feel so warm and I finally know that my dad love me too and always concern about me...maybe this concern is difficult for him to speak it out directly to me. Thanks God for giving me this lovely dad....I really feel so grateful of having my dad in my life...

Friday, 6 March 2015


There is no a perfect man in the world. Every human will make mistake in his or her own life no matter it is small or big mistake. Even though it is a small mistake we should admit it and amended the mistake then it will be fine ...

"You can't make the mistake twice the second time it's no longer a mistake but a choice." This quote is opened my mind.Each mistake teaches us something in our life....It is very important to learn from the mistake....This will help us a lot in the way of transforming us into a more better and mature person in the future life...

Live is just once for us in the world....Live your life in a brighter way!!!

Thursday, 5 March 2015


wohoo~~~the first movie outing with my coursemate.I feel so glad to know them in my uni life.Uni life will be dull if without them. As with any relationship, friendships bring a lot of support and joy and occasionally strife.  Fear is started taking over when I enter school.This is the first time I leave my home and my family and travel for almost 4 hours in order to continue my study in the university. Everything is so strange and the strange environment and people make my anxiety and fear getting more and more. Luckily,I have this bunch of friend to accompany me to overcome and face all the anxiety and confusion in the studies.Thx guys for helping me throughout the uni life. May our friendship last forever!!!

Wednesday, 4 March 2015


Hi,I am Beh Wan Yee and I was birth in Taiping,Perak. I am 21 years old and now studying in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).I am a first year Economy student in UKM.
Talking about my family...I come from a small and warm family. I have 3 siblings and I am the eldest among them. As a eldest, I always be the one who always done all the home stuff and help my mum to take care my younger sister brother. My mum is a ordinary housewife who take care all the stuff of the family and my dad is a mechanic. I am so grateful to born in the family as I receive a lot of love from my family.
Talking about my hobby….I like to listen to the music when I have time or I will simply put in an earphone when I doing something. Music is a part of my life. Different from others, I more prone to listen classic music compare to pop music. 
About the future…. I would like to become a successful accountant in the future life. The pathway to become an accountant is not easy as it consume a long time to complete several professional paper in order to get a membership in Malaysia Institute Of Accountants (MIA). However, I believe that my dream can be fulfil in one day if I try my all best…